Just as our soccer, running, and football players come back to school in the fall with excitement and expectations, most students come back with a renewed hope that they will do well, that they will like their teacher, and that their friends will join them at the lunch table. 

Nearly 50 million students will return to public school classrooms this year. How are we going to help them achieve?  

Parents, guardians, and caregivers play a key role in this support system. They can bolster their children’s educational experiences throughout the school year in numerous ways. 

For instance, obtaining library cards and visiting local libraries can instill a love of reading and learning. Ensuring children are up to date on wellness visits and vaccinations is essential for their health and readiness to learn. Incorporating math into daily life through practical exercises—such as estimating travel time or calculating change—helps reinforce important skills. Families can also establish a daily reading routine, discuss current events, and encourage children’s curiosity about the world.

Beyond parents, entire communities have equally important roles to play in supporting public schools and students. Volunteering time to assist with school activities—such as reading to children, supporting classroom teachers, helping in the library, chaperoning field trips, or assisting with extracurricular activities—can make a huge difference. Donations of classroom supplies, books, sports equipment, or contributions to food pantries directly benefit students in numerous ways. 

Supporters of public education can also advocate for their local schools. Lobbying for policy changes, increased funding, or other support demonstrates to lawmakers and policymakers that a community is invested in the future of education.

As we embark on another school year, let us renew our commitment to providing the best possible environment for our kids to learn, grow, and succeed. Success doesn’t happen by chance—it happens when we are engaged. Together, we can ensure each and every student has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

-Visit our Back-to-School webpages for a toolkit with ready-made materials to help show your support for kids and educators.