Adolescent Immunization Action Week, April 3-7, 2023

2023-03-15T21:26:46+00:00March 15, 2023|

April 3rd – 7th is Adolescent Immunization Action Week (#AIAW23), a call to action urging parents to get their adolescents up to date on their immunizations. One in five kids—adolescents and elementary-age—are thought to be behind on routine vaccination. Traditionally, kids get vaccines at wellness check-ups, public health clinics, or as part of their school or sports preparations, but the pandemic got in the way for many of us.

Our Children Can’t Wait

2023-03-30T20:51:47+00:00March 14, 2023|

Read more about Our Children Can't Wait: The Urgency of Reinventing Education Policy in America, edited by Joseph P. Bishop with a forward from Becky Pringle, NEA President.

Pro Tips on Using ESSER Funds to Accelerate Student Outcomes

2023-03-01T20:27:08+00:00February 28, 2023|

There are multiple causes for concern that ESSER funds need to be optimally used to advance student learning outcomes, writes Annie Morrison, Co-Founder, Rivet Education. A recent study by McKinsey showed that millions of these funds risk going unspent or wasted because education leaders need help to spend them effectively.

Creating Safe, Equitable, Engaging Schools, Spanish Edition

2023-04-05T13:40:52+00:00January 13, 2023|

The Spanish adaptation of Creating Safe, Equitable, Engaging Schoolsis intended to foster collaboration and further welcome Spanish-speaking families, educators, and organizations to respectful partnering and collaboration. The translated book can be used as a learning tool and roadmap for educators, families, and students to build and transform programs and lessons to create safe, equitable, engaging learning environments that support robust thriving and learning.

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